Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Digital citizenship, ethics, and netiquette

            We are all digital citizens of the world. In the real world, we have to treat people with common courtesy and respect their personal boundaries. So too do we have to adhere to social constructs in the cyber world. The first technology that I explored regarding this topic was isafe. The URL for this site is: This site was founded in 1998 and is dedicated to teaching responsible digital citizenship to children and adults. It is teaching responsible citizenship to prevent the misuse of the technology they are using such as: cyber-bullying, illegal downloading, plagiarizing, using cell phones in class, and going to pornography sites (Uchebee, 2012). This site offers a combination of traditional curriculum and technology to help students with their critical thinking skills and decision making skills (Ladd, 2014).

            The second technology that I looked at was 5 minute film festival. The URL for this site is: This website is host to many films that are only 5 minutes long that explore topics such as protecting your identity, kindness, netiquette, and empathy. These videos are appropriate for all ages, educational levels, and learning methods (Ameliandlovu, 2013).

            The last technology that I looked at was Pixton. The URL for this site is: This app can be used in the classroom by the learners to create warning stories in the form of cartoons. These stories can be about cyber-bullying, stalking, predator, and how to behave with proper netiquette when surfing the Web. This app centers on proper etiquette when on the Internet (Ameliandlovu, 2013).

            I would use these sites to introduce netiquette, digital citizenship, and how to use technology correctly so the learner can leave a positive cyber footprint. Also, these sites would be helpful to allow the students to learn the concept in several ways: auditory, visual and kinesthetic. With the app, students would be able to express their ideas about a given topic in a creative manner. The class could use the 5 minute films to have a starting point for small group or class discussions about the topic.


 Ameliandlovu, (2013, June 21). Digital citizenship, ethics, and netiquette [Blog message].
Retrieved from Emerging Technologies website:

Ladd, E. (2014, October 21). Technologies related to digital citizenship, ethics, and netiquette [Blog message].
Retrieved from Wolfpack in the house website:

UchebeeClassroom, (2012, October 19). Technologies related to digital citizenship, ethics, and netiquette [Blog message].
Retrieved from Using Technology to Enhance Adult Learning website:

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