Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Educational Technologies Blog

           Technology has the capability for the instructor to individualize the learning process for each learner. Learners can individualize their studies and the teacher can build on what the learner knows, is interested in, and what is important to them (Laureate, 2012). By using multimedia resources and the apps that go with them, we can tap into the way each student learns and incorporates the concepts learned into their daily life.

The multimedia resources that would enhance adult education in the classroom would be power point and the iPad. The apps that could be used with these resources are: Power point station, URL is http://pppst.com. This resource has free games and power points that could be used in teaching a particular concept. The second app is IXL Math practice. The URL for this app is: https://www.ixl.com. This app has math and Language Arts concepts from level K-12 (Best Online Universities, 2015).

The rationale for using power point station in the classroom is it is already equipped with a smart board to show power points. We can use the power points in class to explain the concept and then use the iPad to extend the lesson and have the learners continue learning on their level and pace.

Examples on how we can use this technology in the classroom are: in GED class, we can use the apps and iPad to have the men practice math concepts that have been taught in class. They can practice independently and also use the technology for peer tutoring. The second example in using this technology is in Thinking for a Change class to demonstrate social skills, problem solving skills, and present real life scenarios to discuss the skills taught.

 Best Online Universities. (2015). Retrieved from: http://bestonlineuniversities.com/favorite-moblie-learning-apps/
 Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012e). Using digital media for learning. Baltimore, MD: Author.



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