Thursday, October 29, 2015

Emerging technology is a technology that is new to your classroom. The technology that I would like to introduce to my students has been in use for several years. It is the iPad and the applications that can be used with it. My students are not allowed access to the internet.  Therefore it is hard to introduce any new technology into the classroom. I would use the iPad for the GED class for math and language arts to move the learners forward at their own pace and at their own academic level. I would load the apps from my computer which has internet access. The iPad has the potential to be an essential tool to individualize learning plans, increase motivation, and promote literacy skills and math skills (Johnson, 2013).

            My rationale for using the iPad is that I can individualize the course content to fit all of the student’s academic needs, allow them to work at their own pace, and work on their own academic level so they do not get frustrated, give up, and drop out again.

            Two examples of how I would incorporate the technology would be in GED class and also in the music class. At this point in time the music class only has access to guitars. If the music class were to use the iPad, they would have access to all types of instruments and could compose their own music (Randles, 2015).


Johnson, G. M. (2013). Using tablet computers with elementary school students with special      needs: The practices and perceptions of Special Education teachers and teacher assistants.           Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, v39 n4 Fall 2013.12 pp.

Randles, C. (2015). Being an iPadist. General Music Today, vol.27, Issue 1.

Monday, October 26, 2015

online learning communities

I am new to the area of on-line communities. I have only ventured into the online education system in order to complete my Master's. What I have found is amazing. I love online learning. It is convenient for me, and I feel I am part of a community although I have never meet any of my fellow learners face to face. I am part of a living, learning  community that has taught me a lot about myself and how I learn. I feel more confident in myself, and have discovered my voice here in my online studies. My classmates have been very supportive of what I have said, and receptive to my thoughts and ideas. I feel all the instructors have given me a safe haven to express myself.